July 4th Concert at Arborlawn UMC

From our brothers and sisters at Arborlawn UMC:
You and your choir and church members are cordially invited to join with the Arborlawn UMC choir and congregation in a July 4 Patriotic Celebration Concert!  This will be Tom Stoker’s 25th year to conduct a July 4 concert, and we hope you can join us.
Here is the schedule:
4 p.m. — Meet in Sanctuary for rehearsal (music folders will be provided)
6 p.m. — Dinner served
7 p.m. — Concert
We always have a packed house, and are hoping to have 150-200 singers this year.  It’s very casual, so your folks can be cool in shorts or pants and July 4 colors.
That’s it — just one rehearsal and a fantastic concert!  There will be a lot of audience participation as well, so please encourage your families and friends to attend, even if they can’t be in the chorus.
Please call me at 817.443.3585 with any questions.  I loo forward to seeing you there on July 4!

Kay Phillips

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